
Thursday, October 28, 2010


I learned a lot about glaciers.They are very interesting landforms. I really liked reasearching and finding out about glaciers. The hardest thing was making the glog because i kept on forgeting to save it. I really liked this work because i found it really intresting and i like finding all about something i dont know about.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Action Gaming And Quick Thinking!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The news that i read is about action gaming and how it can effect your brain.

Action games require quick thinking on how to kill the monsters and to get away. Bavelier and her team is studying this. They have found that playing videos builds up your senses and builds up your quick desicions not just for gaming but also for real life. To investigate relations between video games and desicion making they ran a few tests. Bavelier got some men in their 20 that play videos games 5 times a week and found other men that are i their 20's to but who dont play video games the tests were based on sound and speed the gamers were faster than the non gamers.

Bavelier also did tests on men and women  of an average age of 26 who said that they haddn't played video games in at least a year. This experiment would give a bit of info on whether games just require fast desision making or people just were fast desion makers. One group of men and women where told to play a action game for two hour while the others were told to play video games not action games.

In the first test the men and women who played action games where faster on the sounds and speed tests.