
Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Human Elastic Band

A 24 year old contortionist named Zlata is called "The elastic band" because she can bend all the way backwards like she has no spine. Zlata is from Russia, she found out how flexible she was when she was only 4 years old. You might wonder how she can get so flexible, well she was born with it she is diagnosed with a unknown condition that allows her joints to be very flexible. It is amazing that she is 5.9 ft tall and can fit in a small fridge i can barely bent over backwards like a bridge. Now this goddess of flexibility is practicing and training often and is always performing and is living her life of fame in Germany.


  1. Wow that is really cool. She must be very flexible. I think you did very well catching the persons mind and giving them the most important information we need to know.Next time please include your site where you got it from

  2. That is amazing. I never knew that anyone could fit in a small fridge. Does anyone else have the same condition that she has?

  3. Preety good post,though it can be longer and it would be better if you wrote the author and the site which you found it on.
