
Tuesday, May 17, 2011

marble motion

Guiding Question: Does the mass of a marble affect the way it moves?

Hypothesis: Yes, it does; i think the heavier the marble or item the harder it will be to put in motion.


  • Straw
  • Tennis ball
  • Small Marble
  • Big marble
  • Golf ball
  • Large Styrofoam ball
  • Notebook
  • Desk
  • Pencil


  • Get a straw
  • choose a item
  • Choose a partner to run the test
  • Blow
  • Draw a diagram of the directions and length the item rolled
  • Include in the diagram how hard you blew or just write it

Data Analysis :

From my data you can conclude that the mass of a item does affect the way it moves. The way you blow through the straw does affect the direction the item moves. The largeness doesn't matter because a item can be huge but as light as a fly. Such as the Styrofoam ball it was much bigger than the large marble but was light because it was made of Styrofoam.


At the start of my blog i had a guiding question which is  " Does the mass of a marble affect the way it moves?" My hypothesis was "Yes, it does; i think the heavier the marble or item the harder it will be to put in motion." Do i think my hypothesis is correct? Yes, as a matter of fact i do. Everything turned out the way i thought it would. The heavier the marble was the harder it was to move. Another thing i had noticed was that the harder i blew the more control i had. When i blew hard the ball would go straight depending where i placed the straw but also because i blew hard the breath would last longer but when the air stopped putting the ball in motion the ball would row left.

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